Today we got really into the Easter spirit! We started off the morning with an Easter egg hunt at Thanksgiving Point. There were TONS of eggs!!! The kids had a lot of fun. Aden was so focused on finding the GOLDEN egg that he forgot to pick up any of the other eggs. The poor kid came back with a completely empty basket! Luckily the employees were very nice and they filled up his basket for him.
Tonight we colored eggs. This is my favorite part of Easter. The kids really got creative this year, and we ended up with some beauties!! :)
Happy Easter to all, and may we all remember the reason we celebrate this special holiday!!
Happy Easter! Looks like you guys had some cool decorating stuff for your eggs. I let the kids use crayons to decorate ours, and then the adults dyed them. I was not going to take any chances at my grandma's of dye all over the place!