Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Soccer Boy

Aden's first soccer game was last night, and it was the cutest thing ever! He is so lucky to have two of his cousins on his team (Charlie Jr. and Aubrey), and his Uncle Charlie as his coach!
Aden had a rough first half. He wasn't quite sure how to handle things at first. I asked him what was wrong, and he said "I don't want to take the ball away from the other kids." He is just too sweet sometimes! After we had a little pep talk, and I explained to him that soccer games are not the time to take turns and share, the second half of the game was much better. All of the kids are so cute! It was so much fun to watch. It's going to be a fun soccer season!! (I just wish Aden wasn't such a shorty)


  1. how fun! He is tall! ha ha! glad he got the hang of it

  2. That's so stinkin cute! I love that he was so thoughtful...and yeah! He's tall!!!

  3. Man he is cute and TALL!!

    I need to sign Max up for something just so I can watch him!

    :) It is fun having boys the same exact age!

  4. AWE, I love it! Thanks for inviting me to the games!!! Cutest thing I've ever seen!
