I had a total "Ah-ha" moment yesterday in Relief Society. I know, imagine that, right?!? I went to bed on Saturday night really not feeling up for 9:00 church, and I really had no desire to go. I woke up Sunday morning (right at 8:00, with exactly an hour to get up and going--perfect!) with a really strong feeling that I needed to go to church, and especially all three hours. I walked reluctantly into Relief Society (our church is backwards, and we have sacrament last) and our lesson was about being true disciples of Christ. The whole thing was amazing, and I felt like the lesson was written just for me! We talked about how instead of approaching things in our life with anger, we should approach them with love and look at our trials as a teaching/learning experience. I could totally relate to everything, and it was like a lightbulb went off in my head! I am so blessed with so many things and people in my life that I have no reason to be unhappy or angry all the time. I have an amazing husband who loves me even when I am not fun to be around, I have three healthy and happy kids who are so good to me, and I have the blessing of the Gospel in my life...which I need more now than I ever have before!
To top things off, I answered the door today and there was our neighbor standing there with a delivery for me--a dozen long stem red roses from Ken (which also tied in with my "life lesson" to see the beauty of the roses and not the thorns)...I really am ONE LUCKY GIRL!!