Wednesday, May 21, 2008

TAG! I'm It

My best friend Nicole tagged me, and now it is my turn to tell all of you a little bit about my cute husband.

What is his name? Kenneth Allen Gentry

How long have you been married? 1 year and almost 3 months

How long did you date? About a year

How old is he? 37

Who eats more sweets? Definitely ME! I have a serious weakness for sweets

Who said I love you first? Ken

Who is taller? Ken again

Who can sing better? Definitely not me...I think I may be tone deaf...but I do a killer opera style if I am in the right mood!

Who is smarter? I would say we both have our different areas where we are smarter than the other

Who does laundry? Ken does his and Jared's, I do Aden's and mine, and Jayne does her own

Who pays the bills? Ken pays the rent, his car payment, and the health insurance. I pay the rest

Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Ken

Who mows the lawn? Mike (Our neighbor)

Who cooks dinner? I cook during the week, and Ken usually cooks on the weekends

Who drives? Ken...I can't drive with other drivers in the car

Who is more stubborn? Ken would say me, I would say Ken

Who asked who out first? Ken asked me

Who proposed? Ken

Who has more siblings? I do (6), Ken has 3

Who wears the pants? Hmm...probably me!

1 comment:

  1. Good TAGGING Kri! I loved it!!! I love how it says the neighbor mows the lawn! good job friend! Love ya
