Sunday, June 13, 2010

Slacker Blogger of the Year

Goes to ME! I have been sooo busy lately, and my blog is proof of that. I finally have a minute to sit down and download some pics of our year so far.
Here is our 2010 in review.

We rang in the new year with a killer party. Just the 5 of us. It was wild and crazy! :)

Jayne turned the big 1-3 on January 17th...

Her dad made her cake...ALL BY HIMSELF!

Aden and I were missing my parents while they were in Myrtle Beach, so we went out to visit them. Of course, we went the the aquarium. We had fun.

I turned the big 2-7 in February and the fam took me to PF FAVORITE!

Aden and Jared graduated from Kindergarten and 5th grade, and Jayne is a big 8th grader now. Time flies!!


  1. I can't believe you actually updated!! I love that Jared was voted best singer.

  2. Geez, you HUGE slacker! We all started to worry! ;P
    I love all the fun pictures!
