It was June 23, 2004 at 4:45 am -- I was dead asleep, and suddenly I was awake. I felt wet. Uh, did I just pee the bed?! Um, what do I do?? Frantic thoughts are racing through my head. It's early, and I don't want to wake anyone up. Got it, I will call my doctor's office and talk to a nurse! "Hi, UM, either I just peed the bed or my water just broke." The nurse politely tells me the obvious, "Honey, I'm sure it was your water breaking. Why don't you come on down to the hospital. We'll see you soon." DUH, I knew that was going to be the response...just needed a little reassurance. Okay, time to call my mom. One ring, and she picks up. "Kristen, I will be right over." She knew it was me. Who else would be calling her at that hour? (Not to mention that she had a "feeling" and she was already awake. I love my mom!) I frantically start getting my things together. This wasn't supposed to happen for 2 more weeks! I'm not ready for this! And then the contractions started. Not too bad, I thought the pain would be worse. After only about two contractions my mom was there. Ah, the relief! Everything was okay now that mom was there. She had done this 7 times, she was a pro!
We hopped into her little white bug and we were on our way. The contractions were getting stronger and closer together. My mom was coaching me through my breathing as she drove. They were about 3 minutes apart by then. Finally, we got to the hospital. As I was walking in I felt the GUSH of water that I was expecting. (I didn't think there was that much in my bed, but I didn't know what was normal) Now, THAT was my water breaking! Perfect. We got all checked in, and my pants were soaked. Once in the room, the REAL fun started. I immediately started puking and pooping (sorry, TMI?). It wouldn't stop! I didn't know I could get that much "waste" out of me in such a short period of time. The nurses kept telling me it was "normal" and my body was just "cleaning itself out" for baby to come. I was just worried I was going to be stuck on the toilet when baby came! After I was finally all "cleaned out" I got the opportunity to use the awesome "birthing ball". Seriously, I loved that ball. IT SAVED ME FROM THE EVILS OF THE EPIDURAL!
By this time, my BFF Nicole, my dad, Steve, Marco, Karyn and Charlie were there.(Sorry if I missed anyone else who was there, I was a little preoccupied.)
Before I knew it, it was time to push! NO! I can't push yet! My doctor is still doing a C-section. I have to wait for her! But little Aden had plans of his own. He wanted to come right then! There would be no waiting for MY doctor. I had to settle for someone else (which, she was great!). After not very much pushing, and LOTS of fingernail digging (Sorry Nicole), at 9:44 am little Aden Dex was born. He was tiny and purple and not crying. The doctor was smacking him on the back. Stop hitting him! He is so tiny. Don't hurt him!! I looked around at the look of fear on everyone's faces. And finally we heard it. After what seemed like FOREVER. The cry that we were all waiting for. My little one was here, and he was okay. They put him on my chest, and it was love at first sight.
I love my little man even more now than I did at that first meeting. He has been my rock through many hard times. He is such a sweet kid, and I don't know what I would do without him.
Happy Birthday, little one. I love you!!