My friend from high school (Melissa) tagged me, so I am gonna do this fun little tag!
1) Did you date someone from your school? Yeah, a few guys. Nothing too serious though. Well, back then it was serious, but not now that I look back on it.
2) What kind of car did you drive? I drove a 1992 Ford Explorer. I loved it, it was my baby! Katie and I used to go and wash it every week, and she always made sure it was full of gas...thanks Katie! :)
3) Did you pass your driver's license test the first time? Of course I did!
4) Were you a party animal? Uh, NO. Not one little bit.
5) Were you considered a flirt? Nope
6) Were you in band, orchestra, or choir? Uh, No again. Not so musical...
7) Were you a nerd? I don't really think so.
8) Were you on any varsity teams? No, gave up on basketball by that point.
9) Did you ever get expended or expelled? No, I didn't go to school a whole lot my senior year, but that was my choice.
10) Can you still sing your fight song? Um, I couldn't back then, and I still can't.
11) Who were your favorite teachers? I loved Mrs. P and Mrs. Russell. Oh, and Mr. Bergholm was really cool too.
12) Where did you sit at lunch? On the steps.
13) What is your school's full name? Lehi High School
14) School mascot and colors. Pioneers, purple and white. Go Pioneers!!!
15) Did you go to homecoming and who with? Um, I know I went, but I can't remember who with. I know my Senior year I went with Beaver. OH, junior year was Kevin Anthony.
16) If you could go back and do it again, would you? I would, but I would do a lot of things differently.
17) What do you remember most about graduation? That it was long and boring, and that I just wanted to be out of there.
18) Where did you go on Senior Skip Day? Every day was senior skip day for me!! ;)
19) Were you in any clubs? Yeah. National Honor Society, and HOSA (Health Occupation Students of America). Maybe I take back my answer on question 7...maybe I was a nerd!
20) Have you gained weight since then? Um, Yes! But let's not talk about how I was a size 2 in High makes me cry.
21) Who was your prom date? Um, Kevin again, and Bronson.
22) Are you planning on going to your 10 year reunion? No, I keep in touch with everyone that I want to see. I have no desire to go.
23) Did you have a job while in high school? I worked at Hogi Yogi, and then Junior and senior year I worked for a chiropractor.
Now I tag everyone, and I want Ken to do this one too!!! Come on, baby! :)