HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! Here's a little survey about my 2008...
Kissed someone new?
Nope. I only kiss two people...Ken and Aden!
Done something you've regretted?
Hmmm...Just the fact that I didn't get my butt back to school like I had planned.
Lost someone?
Not this year
Tripped over a coffee table?
Uh, maybe I did--I'm not really sure!
Came close to losing your life?
No, well, unless you count the times in the car when Ken was driving...Ha ha ha
Read a great book?
I read the Twilight series, they were pretty great!
Grow apart from anyone?
Did you change at all this year?
I'm pretty sure I did. I know I got fatter! I think I changed in other ways too. You'll have to ask Ken.
Did you get your hair cut?
YES! And now I want it to grow back!
Were you in school?
No--but my kids were, so I pretty much was too.
Did you get good grades?
Jared got dang good grades, and I helped him with his homework! Does that count??
Did you have a job?
Um, yes
Did you own a car?
Well, I don't own a car, but I have one that I make payments on. :)
Did you move at all?
No, I wish!!
Would you change anything about yourself now?
UM, YES! I'm gonna work on that in 2009 baby!
Do you think 2009 will top 2008?
I know it will!
Any big plans for 2009?
We're going to the temple!!
What did you love the most about 2008?
Settling in with my new little family
What did you not like about 2008?
The Economy, and the gas prices! LOL
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Monday, December 29, 2008
Christmas Joys!
We had a fabulous Christmas this year. It was kind of a struggle getting me in the Christmas mood, but once I actually started doing my shopping and decorating it was lots of fun!
We were very lucky this year to be able to spend Christmas eve and Christmas day with both of our families. We went over to my parent's on Christmas eve afternoon and my mom and dad took the grandkids sledding. They had a ton of fun! After that, we got together and ate and opened presents. Then we headed out to Ken's sister's house to see his side of the family. We got there and we ate some more, and opened some more presents.
Christmas morning was spent with just our little family opening our gifts. Ken spoiled all of us and got us a new laptop! We are all very excited! After the gifts, we met up with Ken's family and went to see 'Bedtime Stories.' It was pretty cute, and the kids loved it.
Christmas was very nice, but I have to say, I am a little glad it's all over...
And don't mind Jared in his underwear...my boys hate wearing pajamas! :)

We were very lucky this year to be able to spend Christmas eve and Christmas day with both of our families. We went over to my parent's on Christmas eve afternoon and my mom and dad took the grandkids sledding. They had a ton of fun! After that, we got together and ate and opened presents. Then we headed out to Ken's sister's house to see his side of the family. We got there and we ate some more, and opened some more presents.
Christmas morning was spent with just our little family opening our gifts. Ken spoiled all of us and got us a new laptop! We are all very excited! After the gifts, we met up with Ken's family and went to see 'Bedtime Stories.' It was pretty cute, and the kids loved it.
Christmas was very nice, but I have to say, I am a little glad it's all over...
And don't mind Jared in his underwear...my boys hate wearing pajamas! :)

Monday, December 22, 2008
It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas
Friday, December 19, 2008
Body Worlds 3
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Christmas Tag...Because Afton Said So...
1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? Wrapping paper, and it has to match the tree!
2. Real tree or Artificial? Artificial...so easy, and the lights are already on it.
3. When do you put up the tree? After Thanksgiving
4. When do you take the tree down? Around the first of the new year
5. Do you like eggnog? Not really, I like about one sip. I can kinda handle it if I dilute it with some milk, but even then...
6. Favorite gift received as a child? Hmmm... Probably my American Girl doll Samantha
7. Hardest person to buy for? Dad
8. Easiest person to buy for? Jayne
9. Do you have a nativity scene? No, but I want one. I am too picky though.
10. Mail or email Christmas cards? Mail for sure!
11. Worst Christmas gift you ever received? Our lame Christmas gift from the Hospital this year. So lame!
12. Favorite Christmas Movie? Christmas Vacation
13. When do you start shopping for Christmas? Well, I still haven't really "started" yet this year.
14. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? No, but not a bad idea...LOL
15. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? Peppermint ice cream
16. Lights on the tree? A must, and they must be white
17. Favorite Christmas song? The Christmas Shoes
18. Travel at Christmas or stay home? I love being able to just stay home. But we travel to go see the Gentrys every other year.
19. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer? Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, Blitzen
20. Angel on the tree top or a star? Star
21. Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning? Christmas morning
22. Favorite Christmas Tradition? Watching Christmas Vacation with my family
23. Favorite ornament, theme or color? This year I'm loving the black, white, red, and lime green theme!
24. Favorite Christmas dinner? Anything my mommy makes
25. What do you want for Christmas this year? Nothing really...Just want my kids and hubby to be happy. :)
2. Real tree or Artificial? Artificial...so easy, and the lights are already on it.
3. When do you put up the tree? After Thanksgiving
4. When do you take the tree down? Around the first of the new year
5. Do you like eggnog? Not really, I like about one sip. I can kinda handle it if I dilute it with some milk, but even then...
6. Favorite gift received as a child? Hmmm... Probably my American Girl doll Samantha
7. Hardest person to buy for? Dad
8. Easiest person to buy for? Jayne
9. Do you have a nativity scene? No, but I want one. I am too picky though.
10. Mail or email Christmas cards? Mail for sure!
11. Worst Christmas gift you ever received? Our lame Christmas gift from the Hospital this year. So lame!
12. Favorite Christmas Movie? Christmas Vacation
13. When do you start shopping for Christmas? Well, I still haven't really "started" yet this year.
14. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? No, but not a bad idea...LOL
15. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? Peppermint ice cream
16. Lights on the tree? A must, and they must be white
17. Favorite Christmas song? The Christmas Shoes
18. Travel at Christmas or stay home? I love being able to just stay home. But we travel to go see the Gentrys every other year.
19. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer? Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, Blitzen
20. Angel on the tree top or a star? Star
21. Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning? Christmas morning
22. Favorite Christmas Tradition? Watching Christmas Vacation with my family
23. Favorite ornament, theme or color? This year I'm loving the black, white, red, and lime green theme!
24. Favorite Christmas dinner? Anything my mommy makes
25. What do you want for Christmas this year? Nothing really...Just want my kids and hubby to be happy. :)
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Mr. Horizontal
Friday, December 5, 2008
I Confess
I saw this on my friend's blog, and I thought it might be kinda fun to confess some of my dirt...
* I have an obsession with Court TV (well, it's TRU TV now). I LOVE LOVE watching Forensic Files and The Investigators. I have thought about becoming a Private Investigator.
* I am totally OCD. I can't stand if things are crooked, I have to have all my clothes and shoes perfectly hung and matched up, I can't deal if I don't know where something is--I will look until I find it, I hate it when chairs aren't pushed in all the way, when I fold shirts they have to all be the same size or it drives me nuts... I could go on and on, but I won't. Ken LOVES living with me, it's so easy!!
* When I want something really bad I cannot stop thinking about it until I get it! I am spoiled! :)
* I am a huge list maker. I make lists for EVERYTHING! I love the feeling of taking something off a list.
* I love Hollywood gossip. I record Entertainment Tonight every day! I also love to watch True Hollywood Stories. I find celebrities so interesting.
* I check my blog and my email all day long!
* I hate to cook. Well, I don't hate it, but I don't love it. I would eat out every day if I could.
* I hate it when people kiss in front of me! That is not something I want to watch...A little peck is okay, but nothing more please!
* It drives me crazy to walk behind people that are so slow! Same goes with driving.
* I am fascinated by the body and how it works. I find myself reading stuff online all the time, just for fun.
* I love babies, and the little noises they make. So cute!
* I love going to the dentist. I know, I'm weird. But I love having my teeth cleaned.
* I get so frustrated by people that don't speak English, but they get mad at ME because I don't understand them.
* I think pierced noses are so cute! I love a little tiny stud in a cute little nose. If I could pull it off, I totally would.
* I like the feeling of getting my eyebrows waxed--It's a good pain!
Okay, I think that is enough about me. Now, let's hear some of your dirt!!! :)
* I have an obsession with Court TV (well, it's TRU TV now). I LOVE LOVE watching Forensic Files and The Investigators. I have thought about becoming a Private Investigator.
* I am totally OCD. I can't stand if things are crooked, I have to have all my clothes and shoes perfectly hung and matched up, I can't deal if I don't know where something is--I will look until I find it, I hate it when chairs aren't pushed in all the way, when I fold shirts they have to all be the same size or it drives me nuts... I could go on and on, but I won't. Ken LOVES living with me, it's so easy!!
* When I want something really bad I cannot stop thinking about it until I get it! I am spoiled! :)
* I am a huge list maker. I make lists for EVERYTHING! I love the feeling of taking something off a list.
* I love Hollywood gossip. I record Entertainment Tonight every day! I also love to watch True Hollywood Stories. I find celebrities so interesting.
* I check my blog and my email all day long!
* I hate to cook. Well, I don't hate it, but I don't love it. I would eat out every day if I could.
* I hate it when people kiss in front of me! That is not something I want to watch...A little peck is okay, but nothing more please!
* It drives me crazy to walk behind people that are so slow! Same goes with driving.
* I am fascinated by the body and how it works. I find myself reading stuff online all the time, just for fun.
* I love babies, and the little noises they make. So cute!
* I love going to the dentist. I know, I'm weird. But I love having my teeth cleaned.
* I get so frustrated by people that don't speak English, but they get mad at ME because I don't understand them.
* I think pierced noses are so cute! I love a little tiny stud in a cute little nose. If I could pull it off, I totally would.
* I like the feeling of getting my eyebrows waxed--It's a good pain!
Okay, I think that is enough about me. Now, let's hear some of your dirt!!! :)
Monday, December 1, 2008
A Very ThankFUL weekend
I just love long weekends when I don't have to work. This Thanksgiving weekend was fabulous! I worked hard, played hard, ate a ton, and rested lots. It was awesome! We went to my mom and dad's house for the feast. I was in charge of the rolls. I make the rolls every year... This year I had a special little helper. And I must say, I think he added a little something to them this year. The food was all so tasty! I think it might be because I like food a lot more than I used to...maybe a little too much!?

We also saw a few movies this weekend. Ken and I took Aden to see Bolt. It was so cute! Then the two of us saw Four Christmases. It was really funny, and very good! We both really liked it. And I also went with my mom to see the much anticipated Twilight. I was very happy with it! I liked it a lot more than I thought I would. I will definitely see it again.

And of course we had to decorate the tree! That is my favorite part about Thanksgiving! Well, I like the food, but I just love that we are that much closer to Christmas!!!

We also saw a few movies this weekend. Ken and I took Aden to see Bolt. It was so cute! Then the two of us saw Four Christmases. It was really funny, and very good! We both really liked it. And I also went with my mom to see the much anticipated Twilight. I was very happy with it! I liked it a lot more than I thought I would. I will definitely see it again.

And of course we had to decorate the tree! That is my favorite part about Thanksgiving! Well, I like the food, but I just love that we are that much closer to Christmas!!!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008
A Bad Day Gone Bad
I just hate those days where everything seems to go wrong! Yesterday was one of those days. I just kept thinking it couldn't get any worse, but it just kept going!
It all started with my stupid car. Well, my car issues started about a month ago, but they have just gotten worse and worse (more on that in a bit). So, I was driving to work yesterday morning in my stupid car (I know, weird!), and I was on Foothill Drive in the rush hour morning traffic--which is constant stop and go the whole time! Well, every time I went to stop I would hear this beautiful scraping sound. I would literally close my eyes and pray that I was going to stop in time, and that I wouldn't hit the car in front of me. Luckily I made it to work without harming myself or anyone around me. Then I got a text from Ken asking me to meet him at the dealership with my car so they could see what was wrong with it. Good that we were finally going to get it looked at, but bad because I really didn't want to get in it again! My wonderful boss was kind enough to let me leave for a little while and take my car in. So I headed out to the front of the hospital to wait for the shuttle (we have to park far away and then they shuttle us to the hospital). After about 15 minutes of waiting, the 'O-Zone' bus finally came. I was kindly waiting for all the passengers to unload before I got on...and when I went to step into the bus...'SMASH!!' yes, that was me getting smashed in the bus door. Apparently the bus driver didn't see me getting on! Ouch! Then when I finally got on I got harassed by an Asian lady (I won't even tell you the conversation that went on between us). I dropped my car off at the dealership hoping and praying that it was going to be something that was covered by the warranty, but at the back of my mind I knew it wasn't. Ken then took me back up to work, which was nice that I didn't have to get smashed by the bus door again. When I got back to work I was greeted with loads and loads of work. I have been doing about 4 peoples jobs for the last couple of months, and I just don't have enough time in my days to get all the work done. Not to mention that everyone I talked to on the phone yesterday was not exactly nice. I won't go into all of that though... I also found out that it was my brakes and roders that needed to be fixed, which I was pretty sure was going to be the case. So, $370.00 later, at least my car was fixed! Merry Christmas to me! Next, we have my wonderful phone issues. I got a Blackberry Pearl about 5 months ago. Since then, I have had 4 or 5 replacement Pearls. I have the worst luck with phones! So yesterday I was trying to get my newest one all set up. Nothing on it was working! I was literally on the phone with T-Mobile for probably 6 hours of the day yesterday. I was so not happy!! I talked to about 5 different people, and none of them could make my new phone work. One of the guys told me that I needed a new SIM card. After work I headed to the store to get me a new one. I got to the store and they told me I had to go to another store because they were out. So, I drive to the other store and get a new SIM card. Finally, something that went smoothly! As I am driving home with my new SIM card in hand, I decided to put it in my phone and fix the problem...WRONG! The new SIM card didn't work either! I got home and told Ken what the issue was. I got my phone out to call T-Mobile YET AGAIN, and Ken offered to call for me. I think he was nervous I was going to rip someones head off, or say something that I shouldn't. So he was on the phone talking to them, and we were still getting nowhere. I was so frustrated! By that point I was just done with the whole day! In the end, I ended up just sticking with my previous phone and my previous SIM card. At least it somewhat works...
After all of that I was just fried. I had nothing left to offer anyone. I finally just broke down and cried. Ken was good to comfort me and just let me get it all out. What a crappy day!!!!
Sorry that you had to listen to all of that...
It all started with my stupid car. Well, my car issues started about a month ago, but they have just gotten worse and worse (more on that in a bit). So, I was driving to work yesterday morning in my stupid car (I know, weird!), and I was on Foothill Drive in the rush hour morning traffic--which is constant stop and go the whole time! Well, every time I went to stop I would hear this beautiful scraping sound. I would literally close my eyes and pray that I was going to stop in time, and that I wouldn't hit the car in front of me. Luckily I made it to work without harming myself or anyone around me. Then I got a text from Ken asking me to meet him at the dealership with my car so they could see what was wrong with it. Good that we were finally going to get it looked at, but bad because I really didn't want to get in it again! My wonderful boss was kind enough to let me leave for a little while and take my car in. So I headed out to the front of the hospital to wait for the shuttle (we have to park far away and then they shuttle us to the hospital). After about 15 minutes of waiting, the 'O-Zone' bus finally came. I was kindly waiting for all the passengers to unload before I got on...and when I went to step into the bus...'SMASH!!' yes, that was me getting smashed in the bus door. Apparently the bus driver didn't see me getting on! Ouch! Then when I finally got on I got harassed by an Asian lady (I won't even tell you the conversation that went on between us). I dropped my car off at the dealership hoping and praying that it was going to be something that was covered by the warranty, but at the back of my mind I knew it wasn't. Ken then took me back up to work, which was nice that I didn't have to get smashed by the bus door again. When I got back to work I was greeted with loads and loads of work. I have been doing about 4 peoples jobs for the last couple of months, and I just don't have enough time in my days to get all the work done. Not to mention that everyone I talked to on the phone yesterday was not exactly nice. I won't go into all of that though... I also found out that it was my brakes and roders that needed to be fixed, which I was pretty sure was going to be the case. So, $370.00 later, at least my car was fixed! Merry Christmas to me! Next, we have my wonderful phone issues. I got a Blackberry Pearl about 5 months ago. Since then, I have had 4 or 5 replacement Pearls. I have the worst luck with phones! So yesterday I was trying to get my newest one all set up. Nothing on it was working! I was literally on the phone with T-Mobile for probably 6 hours of the day yesterday. I was so not happy!! I talked to about 5 different people, and none of them could make my new phone work. One of the guys told me that I needed a new SIM card. After work I headed to the store to get me a new one. I got to the store and they told me I had to go to another store because they were out. So, I drive to the other store and get a new SIM card. Finally, something that went smoothly! As I am driving home with my new SIM card in hand, I decided to put it in my phone and fix the problem...WRONG! The new SIM card didn't work either! I got home and told Ken what the issue was. I got my phone out to call T-Mobile YET AGAIN, and Ken offered to call for me. I think he was nervous I was going to rip someones head off, or say something that I shouldn't. So he was on the phone talking to them, and we were still getting nowhere. I was so frustrated! By that point I was just done with the whole day! In the end, I ended up just sticking with my previous phone and my previous SIM card. At least it somewhat works...
After all of that I was just fried. I had nothing left to offer anyone. I finally just broke down and cried. Ken was good to comfort me and just let me get it all out. What a crappy day!!!!
Sorry that you had to listen to all of that...
Monday, November 24, 2008
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Whatever, Martha!!
I have been feeling a bit crafty lately. Maybe it's because I have been trying to cut down on my shopping, or maybe it's because Ken told me I am not allowed to buy any more furniture until we move (he doesn't want any more to move than we already have). So, we have this dresser...and it is OLD! I am talking, like, it used to be my grandparent's, and then it was my parent's, and now it is ours...Old! But it is really nice and really heavy wood! Anyway, it started out a mahogony color, when my mom gave it to me I painted it black (all the furniture in our house is black). Well, I am kinda bored with it...so I decided to change it up! I took off all the handles/knobs, got some new and updated knobs, found some cute wrapping paper (thanks Nicole), and sat down with some Mod Podge...
Here is what it started out looking like:

And here is the final look:

And here is a close up look:
Here is what it started out looking like:

And here is the final look:

And here is a close up look:

Monday, November 17, 2008
I'll Be Loving You Forever...
They are back, and freakin BETTER THAN BEFORE! I had SOOOO much fun at the concert on Saturday. Not only did we look freaking amazingly hot, but the music and the company were FABULOUS! I got 4 tickets, and I took Jayne, my bestest Nicole, and my sister-in-law Stacy. We started the night off with some dinner at the Training Table...fabulous cheese fries! When we got to the concert we had to buy Nicole a T-shirt... While waiting in line for that, I looked up and there was my sister Kathy and her hubby Kirk (What are the chances? I didn't even know they were going)! After discussing how hot we all looked, they invited us to hang out with them in their suite! We went on up, of course! We watched the amazingly beautiful and talented Natasha Bedingfield in the suite. She was awesome! Then we decided to head down to our seats to join some of my friends from work. Our seats were pretty freaking awesome (Thank you Make a Wish and Mandy)!! We had so much fun singing along to all the songs, and dancing like it was 1994 again! I could have listened to them play all night long! It was by far my favorite concert I have ever been to!!!
Now for the pics...I know, I look so hot!! Try not to be jealous! :)
Now for the pics...I know, I look so hot!! Try not to be jealous! :)
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Jaynifer Got Bangs!!!!!
So, last night Jayne and I decided that it would be fun if she got some bangs...all the girls are doing it these days. I told her I would take her somewhere and get them cut. She wanted me to do it because she doesn't trust anyone else! So, I got out my hair scissors and went for it! I think she looks so adorable. Please excuse the not so good camera phone photo.

Monday, November 10, 2008
I've Been Tagged!
I am a total dork, but I love blog tags!
8 TV Shows I Love to Watch...
1: Desperate Housewives
2: Brothers and Sisters
3: One Tree Hill
4: The Hills
5: America's Next Top Model
6: Grey's Anatomy
7: Friday Night Lights
8: Extreme Makeover: Home Edition
8 Things That Happenend Yesterday...
1: "Helped" Ken make breakfast
2: Got kids and myself ready for church
3: Went to church
4: Took a TINY nap (This never happens!)
5: Went to my parent's house for dinner
6: Waxed my entire family's unwanted hairs!!
7: Watched Madagascar with the kids and Ken
8: Went to sleep entirely too early (with some killer heartburn)
8 Favorite Places to Eat...
1: PF Changs
2: Cheesecake Factory
3: Chadders
4: Cafe Rio
5: Texas Roadhouse
6: Training Table
7: Rusted Sun Pizzeria
8: Red Robin
8 Things I'm Looking Forward To...
1: Losing weight
2: Finishing school
3: Aden going to school
4: Ken working his day shift
5: Christmas
6: Going to the temple
7: Buying a home
8: Retirement
8 things on my wish list...
1: A house
2: A new car
3: Lipo suction :)
4: New wardrobe
5: A laptop
6: Health
7: Happiness
8: Long Life
I tag Nicole, Karyn, Erin, Julie, Katie, Afton, Lori and Tiffany
8 TV Shows I Love to Watch...
1: Desperate Housewives
2: Brothers and Sisters
3: One Tree Hill
4: The Hills
5: America's Next Top Model
6: Grey's Anatomy
7: Friday Night Lights
8: Extreme Makeover: Home Edition
8 Things That Happenend Yesterday...
1: "Helped" Ken make breakfast
2: Got kids and myself ready for church
3: Went to church
4: Took a TINY nap (This never happens!)
5: Went to my parent's house for dinner
6: Waxed my entire family's unwanted hairs!!
7: Watched Madagascar with the kids and Ken
8: Went to sleep entirely too early (with some killer heartburn)
8 Favorite Places to Eat...
1: PF Changs
2: Cheesecake Factory
3: Chadders
4: Cafe Rio
5: Texas Roadhouse
6: Training Table
7: Rusted Sun Pizzeria
8: Red Robin
8 Things I'm Looking Forward To...
1: Losing weight
2: Finishing school
3: Aden going to school
4: Ken working his day shift
5: Christmas
6: Going to the temple
7: Buying a home
8: Retirement
8 things on my wish list...
1: A house
2: A new car
3: Lipo suction :)
4: New wardrobe
5: A laptop
6: Health
7: Happiness
8: Long Life
I tag Nicole, Karyn, Erin, Julie, Katie, Afton, Lori and Tiffany
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Good News Minute!
Yay! I found an awesome lady to watch Aden for us. She lives about 2 blocks away from us, her house is super cute and CLEAN, she is state licensed, she has 3 kids of her own (one of them is in school all day), and she said she will only take 2 additional kids. She is accepting Aden and another 4 year old boy in December. I feel really good about this decision, and Aden is really looking forward to his new "teacher." What a relief!!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Halloween Pics
I guess I should probably post some Halloween pics, since it is now November! I can't even believe how fast this year is flying by! Halloween was fun. Jayne was a jock, Jared was a princess, and Aden was Batman. Yes, I know...interesting choices this year! They had a lot of fun trick or treating, and they got a TON of candy.

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